Aptima Inc Profile last edited on: 3/10/2021
Business Identifier: Human performance assessment: engineering tools and systems that increase human capabilities Is this YOUR Company?
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Location Information
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex
Public Profile
As AI is evolving to change how work is done, how we learn and perform Aptima is hifting some of its focus to understanding Engineering Human-AI Teams - addressing the distinct dynamics and challenges of integrating humans and AI systems to include the shared reasoning, intent, context, and communications required. By placing the human at the center of this relationship, Aptima is engineering solutions for a productive, cooperative, and ethical human- AI future, one that augmentsnot replaceshumans. Another area of recent focus is Intelligent Performance Assessment where Aptima is combining AI with its proven performance assessment technologies to make sense of thow people handle the enormous increase in not only the amount of data but the diversityof sources. The Aptima effort is provide thetoolse to measure, analyze, and understand this data with theobjective of optimizing human performance. Also of consequence is tackling how humans will use lifelong learning and work. Arguing that periodic, one-size-fits-all training, or classroom-only instruction being no longer adequate to prepare workforces, Aptima is bridging the gap between the demands of work and the need to learn by leveraging the data around us offering analytic models and systems to transform assessments into personalized, high-impact learning experiences that support continuous, ongoing skill and career development. In J anuary 2017, Aptima merged with fellow Massachusetts (128) based, SBIR-involved form Micord. The two together still fall within the employment range of SBIR eligibility
Extent of SBIR involvement
Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition
Employee Range
100-149Revenue Range
10M-15MVC funded?
Privately HeldStock Info
----IP Holdings
50-74Awards Distribution by Agency
Most Recent SBIR Projects
Year | Phase | Agency | Total Amount | |
2023 | 1 | Army | $111,402 | |
Project Title: AEROPI: Advanced EXOJUMP to Reduce Occurrences of Parachute Injuries | ||||
2023 | 1 | Army | $111,488 | |
Project Title: COSMO: Human-Guided Machine Learning for Cognitive State Modeling | ||||
2023 | 2 | OSD | $1,099,890 | |
Project Title: Project Consolidate | ||||
2023 | 1 | SOCOM | $209,957 | |
Project Title: Analyzing Narrative Evolution Across Social Networks | ||||
2023 | 1 | AF | $149,858 | |
Project Title: PALADIN: Probabilistic Activity, multi-Level, and Abstractly Distributed Inference kNowledge graph |
Key People / Management
Frederick J Diedrich -- President
Amy Alexander -- Human Factors Scientist
Paul Allopenna -- Cognitive Scientist
Donna L Anastasi
Nathan Bailey
Jeffrey M Beaubien -- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Justin Boesel
Werner Born
Sylvain Bruni -- Principal Human Systems Engineer
Dustin Burke -- Analytics, Modeling&Sim
Alan J Carlin -- Senior Research Engineer
Sarah Chesterman
Kari Chopra
Margaret "Meg" Clancy -- Co-founder & Executive Vice President
David Clark
Tim Clark
Jordan Coker
John Colonna-Romano -- Lead Software Architect
Patrick Cummings
Jonathan Drucker
Andrew Duchon
Danielle Dumond
Kevin Durkee
Eileen B Entin -- Senior Research Psychologist
Elliot E Entin -- Experimental Psychologist
Jamie Estock
John Feeney
Brent Fegley -- Senior Research Engineer
Emilio Ferrara
Harold Figueroa
Adrian Flowers
Benjamin Ford
Adam Fouse
Jared T Freeman -- Chief Scientific Officer
Mary Freiman
Michael Garrity -- Vice President, Programs
Alexandra Geyer
Kevin Gildea -- Human Factors Psychologist
Richard Good
Rebecca Grier -- Human-Systems Engineer
Scott Grigsby
Craig Haimson -- Division Director, Advanced Training Solutions
Kent Halverson
Kathleen Hess -- Senior Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Stephen M Hess
Cullen Jackson -- Cognitive Scientist Team Lead, Performance Assessment
Eric Jones
Jeff Jungemann
Michael Keeney
Kari Kelton -- Director, National Security Solutions
Zachary Kiehl -- Research Engineer
Andrei Kotlov
Fuji Lai
Georgiy Levchuk -- Simulation & Optimization Engineer
Michael Linegang
Gavan Lintern
Lisa Lucia
Jean MacMillan -- VP of R&D
Ryan Marceau
Doulglas Maxwell -- Senior Research Engineer
Robert Mccormack
Thomas J McKenna -- Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
James Melhuish
Diane Miller -- Senior Human-Systems Engineer
Ryan Mullins
Emily Muthard Stelzer
Jeff Myers
Kara L Orvis -- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Michael J Paley -- Chief Executive Officer
Scott Pappada
Michael Patterson
Louis Penafiel
Samantha Perry -- Scientist
Stacy Pfautz
Paul Picciano
Virtual Puckster
Matt Puglisi -- Executive Vice President, Business Strategy
Summer Rebensky
Kenyon Riddle
Jennifer Roberts
Lawrence Sager -- Senior Project Manager
Erik Schlicht
Nathan Schurr
Melinda Seibert
Daniel Serfaty -- Chairman and Founder
Charlotte Shabarekh
John H Shaq
Jason Sidman
Janet Spruill
Webb E Stacy
Emily K M Stelzer
Ronald Storm
Kevin Sullivan -- Vice President, Operations
Leah Swanson
Michael Tolland -- Principal Engineer
Ian Trase
Enio Velazco -- Division Director
Shawn Weil -- Vice President, Business Development
Emily Wiese -- Human Factors Engineer
Sterling Wiggins
Valarie Yerdon
Ian Yohai
Caroline Ziemkiewicz
Amy Alexander -- Human Factors Scientist
Paul Allopenna -- Cognitive Scientist
Donna L Anastasi
Nathan Bailey
Jeffrey M Beaubien -- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Justin Boesel
Werner Born
Sylvain Bruni -- Principal Human Systems Engineer
Dustin Burke -- Analytics, Modeling&Sim
Alan J Carlin -- Senior Research Engineer
Sarah Chesterman
Kari Chopra
Margaret "Meg" Clancy -- Co-founder & Executive Vice President
David Clark
Tim Clark
Jordan Coker
John Colonna-Romano -- Lead Software Architect
Patrick Cummings
Jonathan Drucker
Andrew Duchon
Danielle Dumond
Kevin Durkee
Eileen B Entin -- Senior Research Psychologist
Elliot E Entin -- Experimental Psychologist
Jamie Estock
John Feeney
Brent Fegley -- Senior Research Engineer
Emilio Ferrara
Harold Figueroa
Adrian Flowers
Benjamin Ford
Adam Fouse
Jared T Freeman -- Chief Scientific Officer
Mary Freiman
Michael Garrity -- Vice President, Programs
Alexandra Geyer
Kevin Gildea -- Human Factors Psychologist
Richard Good
Rebecca Grier -- Human-Systems Engineer
Scott Grigsby
Craig Haimson -- Division Director, Advanced Training Solutions
Kent Halverson
Kathleen Hess -- Senior Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Stephen M Hess
Cullen Jackson -- Cognitive Scientist Team Lead, Performance Assessment
Eric Jones
Jeff Jungemann
Michael Keeney
Kari Kelton -- Director, National Security Solutions
Zachary Kiehl -- Research Engineer
Andrei Kotlov
Fuji Lai
Georgiy Levchuk -- Simulation & Optimization Engineer
Michael Linegang
Gavan Lintern
Lisa Lucia
Jean MacMillan -- VP of R&D
Ryan Marceau
Doulglas Maxwell -- Senior Research Engineer
Robert Mccormack
Thomas J McKenna -- Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
James Melhuish
Diane Miller -- Senior Human-Systems Engineer
Ryan Mullins
Emily Muthard Stelzer
Jeff Myers
Kara L Orvis -- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Michael J Paley -- Chief Executive Officer
Scott Pappada
Michael Patterson
Louis Penafiel
Samantha Perry -- Scientist
Stacy Pfautz
Paul Picciano
Virtual Puckster
Matt Puglisi -- Executive Vice President, Business Strategy
Summer Rebensky
Kenyon Riddle
Jennifer Roberts
Lawrence Sager -- Senior Project Manager
Erik Schlicht
Nathan Schurr
Melinda Seibert
Daniel Serfaty -- Chairman and Founder
Charlotte Shabarekh
John H Shaq
Jason Sidman
Janet Spruill
Webb E Stacy
Emily K M Stelzer
Ronald Storm
Kevin Sullivan -- Vice President, Operations
Leah Swanson
Michael Tolland -- Principal Engineer
Ian Trase
Enio Velazco -- Division Director
Shawn Weil -- Vice President, Business Development
Emily Wiese -- Human Factors Engineer
Sterling Wiggins
Valarie Yerdon
Ian Yohai
Caroline Ziemkiewicz