The Frost Secure Waveform (FSW), secures the RF carrier itself, Layer-1 of the OSI Reference Model, as a discrete transmission element, as opposed to the information it carries. The signal becomes part of the WGN rendering it almost invisible except to intended communicants and even if detected, is extremely difficult to acquire. The bandwidth transparent technology takes advantage of maturing DSP, FPGA and accurate miniaturized, low power, timing oscillator technology, making highly secure LPE-AJ possible for deployment at all DoD equipment levels from fixed-plant through personal hand held equipment. Phase-I research indicated through simulation and mathematical analysis, that the FSW will provide a highly secure protocol, encryption and information transparent waveform facilitating secure radio transmission for dynamic, wideband, high speed, self configuring networks. The technology also provides increased signal orthogonality, permitting multiple FSW and other signals to coexist in the same spectral and physical locations. The FSW restricts communicantsÂ’ operating locations and provides network element location information in mobile environments. One-time based keys are unique for each communication need never be exchanged over the air. The FSW will be integrated onto a FPGA in Phase-II for proof-of-concept and operational demonstration of fixed and mobile networking using commercial grade timing oscillators.
Keywords: Frost Secure Waveform, Fsw, Lpe, Aj, Increased Signal Orthogonality, Restricted Communicants' Operating Locations, One-Time Never Exchanged Keys, Netw