We shall investigate, implement and demonstrate MAVIS, a 3D vision system incorporating robust Real-Time SFM for SMAV application scenarios. Automatic pose determination and extraction of 3D structure of the environment are critical to autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance of SMAVs in constrained and crowded environments. Extracting such state information under various constraints (low quality video because of sensor payload limitations, minimal onboard processing capabilities, sudden and abrupt motions changes etc.) poses a significant challenge and requires development of innovative and robust algorithms. During Phase II we shall a) Investigate ways to increase the reliability and robustness of SFM algorithms using commodity, COTS based motion sensors; b) Exploit scene regularity by using layered approach, thus increasing the robustness of feature tracking; c) Integrate, test and demonstrate core components of the 3D Vision system, consisting of various SFM modules with robustness at each processing stage to ensure reliable performance; and d) Pursue commercialization of the MAVIS system.
Keywords: Structure From Motion, 3d Modeling, Smav, Navigation, Robust Estimation, Feature Tracking