Power distribution in legacy systems, including aircraft, has been implemented employing electro-mechanical switching. Advances in technology that enable use of flightworthy, high power, solid state switch technology to replace electro-mechanical power line contactors are available. This development is focused upon an innovative replacement that not only is `form, fit and functionally' acceptable, but that also provides meaningful improvements in critical areas such as switching time, reliability and fault measurement. `Millisecond' switching times provide an example of changing (i.e. more demanding) requirements; increased mean time between failures (MTBFs) and an improved fault assessment capability provide examples of changes that are operationally and programatically desirable. In particular, this effort establishes the feasibility of a recommended design for an aircraft high power distribution system that would enable the introduction of quick, reliable, lightweight semiconductor power line contactors capable of delivering three-phase, 115 volt, 260 amp electrical power with the ability to transfer power between the main busses within milliseconds while simultaneously detecting power source failure. Detailed development and demonstration plans for the selected aircraft high power semiconductor power distribution system are also provided