TDOA-Enhanced Geolocation For the Team Portable Collection System
Award last edited on: 4/6/2006

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Steen Parl

Company Information

Signatron Technology Corporation (AKA: Signatron Acquisition Corporation~Signatron)

13 Hillside Avenue
Westford, MA 01886
   (978) 692-2132

Research Institution

University of Massachusetts - Lowell

Phase I

Contract Number: N00014-04-M-0252
Start Date: 7/1/2004    Completed: 4/30/2005
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
An innovative system for geolocation of emitters in the field is proposed. The system integrates short baseline calibration methods and the effects of platform motion with recent emitter location advances by Signatron Technology Corporation that combines TDOA, DF, and signal strength in directly optimized location estimate. The system requires significantly less data to be transmitted than conventional TDOA systems. The system uses signal decomposition to isolate only those signal characteristics necessary for locating, thus minimizing the required data communication bandwidth. The system is suitable for implementation as modular plug-in modules and is scaleable in the sense that modules can be added to increase the capacity of the system, making it ideally suited for integration with the Team Portable Collection System. In Phase I, the system performance will be established using analysis and computer simulations. Sensor self-positioning, synchronization, and calibration procedures will be established. A prototype demonstration is planned for Phase II.

Phase II

Contract Number: N00014-05-C-0398
Start Date: 8/30/2005    Completed: 8/29/2006
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
An innovative system for geolocation of emitters in the field is proposed. The system integrates short baseline calibration methods with recent emitter location advances by Signatron Technology Corporation that combines TDOA, DF, and signal strength in directly optimized location estimate. The system requires significantly less data to be transmitted than conventional TDOA systems by using signal decomposition to extract only those signal characteristics necessary for locating an emitter. The proposed system is suitable for implementation using COTS plug-in modules and is scaleable in the sense that modules can be added to increase the capacity of the system, making it ideally suited for integration with the Team Portable Collection System. In Phase I, the system performance was established, showing that the proposed system can perform precision emitter location while using as little as 1% of the bandwidth needed by conventional TDOA. A preliminary system design suitable for TPCS was established. A prototype demonstration is proposed for Phase II, followed by two optional stages of TPCS integration.

The proposed system has many applications in intelligence and law enforcement, as well as commercial areas such as asset tracking and search and rescue. The approach is also well suited for tracking objects or personnel in campus or facility applications.

Emitter, radiolocation, Sensors, position location, Team Portable Collection System, sensor network, geolocation, SIGINT