Integrated Wideband Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) Sensor
Award last edited on: 4/13/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Lars Karlsson

Company Information

Networkfab Corporation

2066 Walsh Avenue Suite B2
Santa Clara, CA 95050
   (408) 567-0106
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Santa Clara

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Today's SIGINT systems need to perform more tasks than ever before. This requires separate, often bulky, pieces of equipment connected by many cables. Employing multiple boxes does not conform to the U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems vision of fielding an "Objective Force" that is lighter, more mobile, agile, and sustainable. Therefore, what is needed is a product that can perform all these SIGINT functions in one single sensor unit. Field operations will be greatly enhanced by such a smaller, lighter one-box solution. In addition, the solution must also have the ability to interface with other military services, government agencies and coalition partners. The product must ultimately be strategically responsive and act as part of a network of sensors, platforms, and command nodes linked by high-speed communications. It is within the capabilities, and the goals, of NetworkFab to provide such a solution. Combining NetworkFab's existing wideband receiver capability, digital drop receivers, DF algorithms, specialized software, and TCP/IP networking capability with GPS, specialized software, and compact integration is the heart of this proposal. When successful, such a solution will help to transform the U.S. Army into the FCS vision of a supremely agile, spectrum dominant force for the 21st century

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Today's SIGINT systems need to perform more tasks than ever before. This requires separate, often bulky, pieces of equipment connected by many cables. Employing multiple boxes does not conform to the U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems vision of fielding an "Objective Force" that is lighter, more mobile, agile, and sustainable. Therefore, what is needed is a product that can perform advanced SIGINT functions all in one single unit. Field operations will be greatly enhanced by such a smaller, lighter, one-box Sensor solution. The purpose of this SBIR is to build such a next-generation SIGINT Sensor. The SIGINT Sensors that will be developed by NetworkFab will be multi frequency band, fast RF signal capture, DF, collection, and DSP analysis systems all-in-one. They will be the fastest and most sophisticated SIGINT Sensors in the industry today. Modularity and flexibility will be designed in to allow custom-built-to-order deliveries that match each customers' particular SIGINT requirements. Once deployed, the Sensors will augment the Army's existing SIGINT networks and/or be a powerful node in a network of systems. This next generation SIGINT Sensor will help to transform the U.S. Army into the FCS vision of a supremely agile, spectrum dominant force for the 21st century.

Sigint, Wideband, Tdoa, Sensor, Comint, Next-Generation, Df, Geolocation