Phase II Amount
Laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS) is an attractive technique that does not require sample preparation and can analyze solids, liquids and gases. It is a simple, rapid, real-time analytical technique based on analysis of spectral emission from laser-induced sparks or micro plasmas. The Army is interested in implementing the technique in a field portable instrument and possibly on airborne and vehicular platforms to analyze materials at distances of 100 meters. Because of the small size and short lifetime of the resulting LIBS micro plasmas, the minimum detection limit for a potential instrument is in the range of parts per million, in many cases. Furthermore, detection is less sensitive for any appreciable distances ~ 100 meters because the source is far away. Based upon Envimetricsí successful Phase I project, we propose to delivery a prototype field portable LIBS system to the Army. It will utilize microwave enhancement technology and the latest of LIBS technology to provide it with substantial improvement in LIBS detection limits. In addition, the Phase I results imply that LIBS at distances ~ 100 ñ 400 feet is possible in the near term. Envimetrics will be conducting a proof-of-principle experiment of LIBS at a distance.
Keywords: Libs, Microwaves, Plasma