Innovative Intelligent Agent and Cognitive Decision Aids Component Technology
Award last edited on: 11/7/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
John Robbins

Company Information

Technical Solutions Inc (AKA: TSI)

1845 Northwestern Drive Suite B
El Paso, TX 79912
   (915) 877-3366
Location: Single
Congr. District: 16
County: El Paso

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Decision aids, in the perspective of the soldier, exist to assist him in seven distinct operational areas - Plan, Deploy, Detect, Evaluate, Decide, Deliver, and Sustain. These represent "stages" of military operations - and at any stage the soldier may be required to fall back to planning, and a repeat of the process. Decision aids must be accessible to the soldier in such a way as to easily, and intuitively, allow for the soldier to request and obtain assistance. The objective of this effort is the continuing development of a JTA-A compliant "tool-kit" for Intelligent Decision Aiding of Remotely Deployed Unmanned Systems, both Ground (UGS) and Air (UAVs) supporting Munitions and Sensor operations. Intelligent aiding of planning, control and effective employment of missing payloads includes target area coverage, enemy movement, placement/engagement area selection as well as generation of tactical messages for fire support and control of fires. The resulting decision aiding "toolkit" for UGS and UAV will be created by using a combination of analytical and cognitive decision processes implemented in reusable software components conforming to The Weapons System Technical Architecture Working Group (WSTAWG) framework and Appendix F of the JTA-A

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The new enabling software components important to employment of multiple sensor/UAV packages (Display Prioritization & Management, and Cognitive Rules) will be addressed to augment the current ARDEC WSCOE-DA SDK. These components will be used with other existing components in the WSOE-compliant preliminary software design for multiple UAV Platform Management (Decision Aids) completed in Phase I to the level of detail required for Phase II implementation. Additionally an ARDEC MPC Testbed will be established the ARDEC Multiple Platform Control (MPC) OCU component developed in Phase I will be extended to provide for man-in-the-loop (multiple platform) control of the additional Micro-UAV and sensor packages. Under the Optional Phase I Task a multiple UAV system will be procured and delivered to ARDEC for integration in Phase II.

Intellegent, Decision Aids, Agents