The User-Centered Communications Manager (UCCM) maintains a queue of proposed transmissions that ensures the communication channel is filled with the most valuable data at any instant. A priority based on inherent value, timeliness, urgency, and novelty is computed for each item, and may be updated before it is selected for transmission. Prioritization (which may delay or drop some transmissions), along with choices between alternative modes and formats for the information, reduce bandwidth needs. Pilots will be able to fine-tune priorities by stating their preferences as policies during mission planning. A Plan Execution Monitor will identify unexpected problems and opportunities and add them as prioritized transmissions in the queue. Prioritization policies are set by a product-line approach, where general models are created by a Navy maintenance organization and fine-tuned by mission planning in the Wing. No new work flow or training is required for pilots to use the system during a mission. This work will be based on significant ontology and code resources Teknowledge has already created. Both UCCM and Plan Execution Monitor will be designed to be broadly applicable for other Navy communications situations.
Keywords: Information Prioritization, Distributed Information Logistics, Plan Execution Support, Intelligent Agent, Infoglut, Virt