Web-based training is ready to come of age and is in need of controlled, scientific studies to ascertain which design elements are crucial to optimal learning. We intend to build web-based modules that train trainers/tutors how to teach beginning reading skills. The modules will apply to all readers, but they will be especially helpful for those dealing with struggling readers. We propose a 2X2 between-subjects study with four web-based training conditions containig varying degrees of inter activity and dynamic assessment. The conditions are: 1) typical static web-site, 2) web-site with automatic scoring of constructed answers, 3) web-site with hands-on demonstrations, and 4) a fully dynamic web-site with both scoring of constructed answers and hands on demonstrations. Anticipated Result We anticipate that the fully dynamic web-based condition that includes both automatic scoring of constructed answers and hands-on demonstrations will result in the greatest learning. The innovation of using an automatic essay grader will require trainers to put more cognitive effort into their answers. In addition, because we believe that knowledge is embodied, the hands-on demonstrations and simulations in the module will utilize multimodal memory systems which will increase the trainers' comprehension and retention ofmateriaIs from the web-site. We will publish these results in peer-reviewed journals and presenthem at relevant conferences. We will apply for Phase II funding to build a full set of seven reading-related training modules to be used by many different parties interested in training reading, these include (but are not limited to): * trainers who fall under the aegis of governmental agencies like Head Start and America Reads, teachers and trainers affiliated with Reading First. * teachers in public and private school systems, as well as parents who are home schooling. * corporate and private volunteers who wish to tutor readers. (If the organization is a non-profit volunteer organization, NeuronFarm will allow them use of the modules for free, otherwise modules will rent on a monthly or yearly basis.) Two major benefits should result from this study. First, in1portant design elements for the burgeoning web-based training industry will have been empirically tested. Second, access to quality training modules may positively impact the outcomes of thousands of struggling readers