We propose to develop multiresolution representations and algorithms for synthetic terrain environments. They will be used for representing large terrain models as well dynamic and atmospheric simulations. Our ultimate goal is to increase the validity of the simulation by incorporating the multiple models at varying resolutions. We will use the OneSAF simulation Product Line Architecture Framework (PLAF) as a reference, and evaluate the use of static and dynamically generated multiresolution models within that framework. Moreover, we will develop novel multiresolution reprsentations of large scattered datasets and use them for interactive display as part of Phase I. We also propose a Phase I option to develop efficient line-of-sight (LOS) computations algorithms based on the multiresolution representations for large terrain environments. If successful, the proposed representations and algorithms can significantly improve the performance of OneSAF simulation framework. The proposed representations and algorithms can considerably improve the validity and performance of OneSAF simulation framework. It will allow us to incorporate complex terrain models as well as perform complex atmospheric simulations. In addition to OneSAF simulation framework, the representations and algorithms will also be useful for flight simulation system, virtual environments and geometric modeling.
Keywords: multiresolution terrains, subdivision surfaces, levels-of-detail, multiresolution simulation, line-of-sight, graphics hardware, real-time rendering