Refining Culture Technology for Growing Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus, from Pueruli to Market in Puerto Rico
Award last edited on: 6/13/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Brian O’Hanlon

Company Information

Snapperfarm Inc

PO Box 685
Culebra, PR 00775
   (787) 548-6134
Location: Single
Congr. District: 00
County: Culebra

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) have been successfully mated and spawned in captivity. However, researchers have had difficulty rearing large numbers of phyllosoma larvae through the many stages of the year long complex cycle. The alternative for mariculture is to bypass the larviculture stage and collect the pureruli from the wild as they drift to near shore habitats. The traditional methods used for collection of pueruli or post larvae will often vary markedly with location, season and lunar phase, and are not considered economically viable. Snapperfarm, Inc. has recently deployed two 3,000 cubic meter sea cages to culture marine fish off the coast of Culebra, Puerto Rico. Over the course of six months, the cages became covered in a fine layer of macroalgae and diatoms. This ideal habitat is continuously recruiting thousands of Spiny Lobster pueruli, of which many have developed to full size lobsters in the fish sea cages. Collecting pueruli from two offshore fish cages that have 2,230 sq. meters of surface area opens up tremendous opportunities for the commercial production of spiny lobsters. The potential of having a steady supply of pueruli will alleviate one of the major bottlenecks in moving spiny lobster aquaculture towards commercial production. Phase 1 of this project will evaluate the temporal recruitment of Spiny Lobster to the sea cages in Puerto Rico, with the goal of using these pueruli for developing commercial production of Spiny Lobster. Summary of

Anticipated Results:
Phase 1 of this project will contribute valuable infomation that will help develop a strategy for full scale commercial production of Spiny Lobster. Phase 2 will establish full scale commercial production with a goal of consistent year round production that is both economically viable and environmentally sustainable

Potential Commercial Applications:
The ability to culture this species will greatly reduce the stress from commercial and recreational fishing on the natural stock, while providing a highly desired product to the large existing Spiny Lobster market

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, aquaculture on a global scale is a small fraction of the total annual wild harvest. The ability to advance the culture of spiny lobsters will reduce the stress on the natural stock while providing a highly desired product. The culture cycle is dependent on the collection of lobster pueruli from the wild, due to the difficulty in rearing the larvae through the yearlong cycle. Snapperfarm, Inc. moored its first two offshore fish submerged sea cages in the Puerto Rico in 2002. These cages quickly became large settlement collectors for spiny lobster pueruli, which were drifting to nearshore for settlement. The collection of pueruli from offshore sea cages represents a novel technique, which differs from the traditional methods - small floating collectors and plankton nets. Building on the results in Phase I, Snapperfarm will address in Phase II the bottlenecks to commercial culture of spiny lobster. The objectives and approaches include refining pueruli collection techniques, developing feed for juveniles, using growout cages to raise lobsters to market, and finding value-added markets for cultured lobsters. As these refinements are realized, Snapperfarm, Inc. can expand their research lobster culture program to a successful and profitable business (Phase III).

Potential Commercial Applications:
Snapperfarm, Inc. intends to refine spiny lobster culture technology during Phase II so that cultured lobsters are regularly available on the market. This technology will encourage other user groups to pursue spiny lobster culture in the Caribbean and Florida as a viable and economic business