MIT spin off Once named Axiomatics Corporation, Trexel's extrusion technology is targeted primarily at TPV and TPE applications with emphasis on the dynamic weather sealing market within the automotive industry. Trexel manufactures equipment used to apply microcellular foam technology in the plastics industry through its MuCell Extrusion Technology process that produces microcellular foam. The MuCell® microcellular foam injection molding process for thermoplastics materials provides unique design flexibility and cost savings opportunities not found in conventional injection molding. The MuCell® process allows for plastic part design with material wall thickness optimized for functionality and not for the injection molding process. The combination of density reduction and design for functionality often results in material and weight savings of more than 20%. By replacing the pack & hold phase with cell growth, lower stress parts parts are produced wich have enhanced dimensional stability and substantially reduce warpage. Cell growth also results in the elmination of sink marks. Unlike chemical foaming agents, the physical MuCell® process has no temperatuture limitation and does not leave any chemical residue in the polymer; making consumer products perfectly suitable for recycling within the origianl polymer classification and allowing re-grind material to reenter the process flow. The numerous cost and processing advantages have led to rapid global depolyment of the MuCell® process primarily in automotive, consumer electronics, medical devis, packing and consumer goods applicatio