Gateway Interface for C4ISR Platforms and their Assets
Award last edited on: 4/21/2004

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ilya Gertner

Company Information

Network Disk Inc

223 River Street
West Newton, MA 02465
   (508) 872-4586
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
We propose to investigate and potentially develop a preliminary design of a JBI Gateway that could serve as middleware for integrating C4ISR systems using the JBI platform as the common information dissemination platform. A JBI Gateway is a JBI-like embedded software unit with force template software support - if successfully designed, this gateway would enable C4ISR platforms to securely plug in to the JBI and exchange information. We will evaluate the feasibility and capability of using a JBI Gateway to support C4ISR platforms and their assets. In Phase I, we will accomplish a feasibility analysis and capability analysis of the stated approach by: 1. modeling the interaction of two or more C4ISR platforms using the JBI and conventional force template technologies a. identifying the problems of using conventional force template technologies b. identifying requirements of a JBI Gateway to support C4ISR platforms and their assets 2. specifying a preliminary design of the JBI Gateway a. creating the preliminary design of force templates for C4ISR integration use b. developing JBI Gateway processes that would facilitate the integration 3. modeling the interaction of two or more C4ISR platforms using the JBI and preliminary design of the JBI Gateway - for subsequent evaluation

If successful, the JBI Gateway would allow C4ISR systems to interoperate over the JBI Platform. The results of this work could have many potential military and commercial applications. Potential military applications include any that involve organizations within the government that must collaborate effectively. In addition, other international governments (for example, those collaborating on a United Nations mission) and private organizations could potentially be members of a coalition communicating over C4ISR architectures, thus each organization would benefit from a JBI Gateway as an integration alternative. Commercial potential applications include managing business partner communications and resources.

Joint Battlespace Infosphere, Force Templates, Middleware, C4ISR Integration

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount