This Small Business Innovation Research Phase 1 project will initiate creation of a capability termed Spider Explorer Data Visualization. This project will explore new means for organizing, exploring, and visualizing large data sets by incorporating into a fundamental presentation format, the spider diagram, innovative hierarchical capabilities and a supporting data management tool set. The project team will research, develop, and integrate innovative data exploration and visualization capabilities with emphasis on hierarchical structures and data normalization. The foremost benefits will result from an unprecedented ability to explore and organize large data sets and thus achieve levels of comprehension not possible with current methods. The objective is to enable humans, with their finite cognitive resources, to effectively organize and absorb copious amounts of data. The impact of such a capability will be significant, and the potential benefits span many domains including scientific research, economic growth, productivity, and education. Commercial potential is broad ranging and has strong potential for domains including scientific research, manufacturing and production, financial analysis, and engineering