This Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase II project will focus on applied research for the development and implementation of a commercial Web-Based International Trade Knowledge Discovery System. It will address the significant need for organizations supporting international trade and for small and medium-sized business to have improved access to information and dynamic analyses of world markets in a single source. This product will provide subscribers with dynamic analyses of world markets for baskets of goods allowing them to extract actionable information to make strategic and tactical decisions while enabling the functionality of a novel combination of tools including knowledge discovery, data management technologies, web technologies, international trade economics and strategic analysis. This project will focus on: 1) Implementing a prototype based on the results of the Phase I feasibility study within a web portal framework, 2) Developing a library of international trade analyses, interactive maps and graphics, 3) Developing a meta-business directory and implement an international trade search engine, and 4) Developing personalization features and snapshot reports. The proposed product will contribute to applications of knowledge discovery in the international trade domain, data warehousing, information hierarchies, and clustering-indexing techniques to support analytical queries. In addition it advances research in the application of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional dynamic and interactive graphics in XML. The product addresses one of the fundamental areas on which trade promotion can have a significant impact --access to actionable information that will help businesses maximize export potential. In the process it will contribute to economic growth, education and participation of small businesses and underrepresented groups in international trade. The development process and product will involve researchers and students from several disciplines. The potential market includes any commercial, private or public organization with the need to find and evaluate international trade opportunities.