The Computer Department Limited (CDL) proposes to develop a portable, rotary wing platform for use as a universal lifting body for small payloads. This system will use a novel lifting system to operate with a wide range of payloads under a wide spectrum of environmental conditions. The key elements of this system is a light weight collapsable structure, electric propulsion, rotary wing design for vertical take-off and landing, computer based control system, RF unit, global positioning system, battery and a laptop computer based ground station. The system's user friendly computer operation, automatic station keeping feature, simple design and low maintenance permits unskilled personnel to assemble, test and operate it with highly reliable results. The system uses many off the shelf components and user friendly software to reduce error and make the system more attractive to the commercial market. Off the shelf components reduce development cost and time and provide alternate suppliers for replacement parts. The proposed Phase I effort will define hardware and software system requirements, identify high risk technologies and identify emerging technologies capable of enhancing performance and field use. This Phase I engineering effort will result in a Prototype design, System Analysis and Specification and Scientific Technical Report.