As of October 2013, Radant Technolgoies operates as a subsiduary of Communications & Power Industries LLC. Radant Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and tests radomes, Radant lens electronically steerable antennas, reflectors, and structural composite products for use in airborne, ground based, shipboard, and submarine installations. The firm offers narrowband, broadband, and multiband radomes; solid-wall and sandwich construction radomes; fluted-core radomes; low-observable radomes; and frequency-selective radomes. The company also provides belly-mounted radar radomes, radome prototype test beds, nose radomes, and SATCOM radomes; reflector antennas, including composite reflectors, frequency-selective reflectors and surfaces, microstrip antennas and patch arrays, polarizers, low-observable treatments, and electronically steerable antennas; structural composites, including submersible housings, structural frames and shells, interior and exterior panels, and engine inlets; and RF testing products. It serves aerospace, defense, and commercial industries, as well as small companies and government agencies.