The efficient detection of neutrons over a large area of several square meters is required to allow the goals of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to be achieved. This project will develop a large area, position-sensitive neutron detector for the SNS, based upon manufacturing a solid film that contains both scintillating and neutron absorbing material. In Phase I, two organic and eight inorganic scintillators were identified as having the short fluorescence, <100 ns, needed to achieve high neutron detection rates. A chemistry was developed to allow the scintillators to be mixed into a lithiated sol-gel and a stabilization coating was identified. Experimental measurements demonstrated neutron detection in every lithiated sol-gel film. Films containing a MINOS polystyrene organic scintillator had the fastest response. Of the inorganics, the CaS:Ce, the LSO, and the YAG yielded neutron detection efficiencies that could be utilized in the SNS. Phase II will experimentally test the scintillators/lithiated-glass-film combinations in order to identify formulations that can be manufactured in volume at a commercially viable cost. The test program will be tailored to the practical needs of the SNS for their facility.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The primary application is for use at the Spallation Neutron Source being constructed in Oak Ridge, TN. The sol-gel glass films should have secondary application to national defense needs for locating fissile material hidden in containers that could be smuggled into the United States or across borders