A proprietary method is analyzed for the refurbishing IRST germanium domes that have been damaged in flight operations in adverse hostile environments which include particulates such as sand, rain., aerosols, etc. The COI technique involves removing the damaged surface and then restoring the domes on a production basis to their original focal length performance specification. Improved coating machine technology is evaluated in the application of Amorphous Diamond Like Carbon (ADLC) via a process known as Ion-Assisted Filtered Cathodic Arc, IFCAD, process coating technology to Germanium substrates operating in the 7.5 to 14 micron band. The result is a low cost refurbished dome that has a harder outer coating than the original dome and hence longer expected lifetime. The proposed research will benefit not only government programs but will also benefit existing work currently at Computer Optics Inc. The technology developed under this proposal will have direct application to laser optics, the electric power industry and construction