This investigation will evaluate the feasibility of developing a fast and efficient computational tool for optimized design of advanced, slow-wave, traveling-wave-tube-amplifiers (TWTAs). Because of their high power, broad-bandwidth, compact size, and high efficiency features, TWTAs are relied upon for satellite Communications, airborne, shipborne, and ground-based radar, jamming, and decoy applications. Because it is crucial to keep the time between conceptualization and finished product to an absolute minimum, the most effective design tools need to quickly assess new concept feasibility and generate initial design guidelines. This research will assess the feasibility of developing a computer design tool with a combination of features not currently found in existing TWTA codes, including: (I) is fully time-domain (to best model highly multi-toned operation)1 yet incorporates frequency dispersion in a physical but computationally efficient way, (2) naturally includes the effects of the physically-discreet slow-wave circuit that are responsible for spatial harmonics effects in TWTAs, (3) is free of numerical reflections at the end of circuit structures, (4) is extremely fast and efficient, and (5) works with an adaptive learning algorithm to prescribe optimized circuit design choices for a given set of performance specifications