Fluorescent Indicator Dyes for Extracellular Ions
Award last edited on: 6/4/19

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Akwasi Minta

Company Information

TEF Labs (AKA: Texas Fluorescence Labs, Inc)

9415 Capitol View Drive
Austin, TX 78747
   (512) 280-5223
Location: Single
Congr. District: 35
County: Travis

Phase I

Contract Number: N43HC095173-000
Start Date: 9/1/99    Completed: 2/28/02
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
To develop fluorescent indicator dyes for the utilization of optical methods to determine airway surface liquid and other fluid composition by measurement of the emission of fluorescent indicator dyes for Na or Cl covalently attached to a large dextran molecule or latex bead. The ion indicators must change their fluorescence emission or absorption in proportion to alterations in the Na or Cl concentration of extracellular fluids, concentrations of about 150 mM. The indicator dyes should be excited by visible wavelength light, be water soluble, non-toxic, and minimally affected by the presence of proteins.

Thesaurus Terms:
fluorescent dye /probe, technology /technique development chloride ion, extracellular, sodium ion

Phase II

Contract Number: N43HC095173-001
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
To develop fluorescent indicator dyes for the utilization of optical methods to determine airway surface liquid and other fluid composition by measurement of the emission of fluorescent indicator dyes for Na or Cl covalently attached to a large dextran molecule or latex bead. The ion indicators must change their fluorescence emission or absorption in proportion to alterations in the Na or Cl concentration of extracellular fluids, concentrations of about 150 mM. The indicator dyes should be excited by visible wavelength light, be water soluble, non-toxic, and minimally affected by the presence of proteins.

Thesaurus Terms:
fluorescent dye /probe, technology /technique development chloride ion, extracellular, sodium ion