This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project poses an engineering solution to reduce workers compensation claims related to lifting. Back injuries account for approximately 20 percent of almost 2 million industrial injuries and illnesses each year, and 76 percent of injured workers have had no mechanical assistance in performing the damaging lift. Even when mechanical assistance devices are provided, workers are reluctant to use them because they are awkward, provide no feedback to the operator and reduce human dexterity and speed (i.e. commercially available lift devices slow the workers down). This project develops a human power amplifier module; an integrated system of pneumatic valves, an end-effector, and an embedded electronic adaptive controller, which can be fitted to a variety of commercially available pneumatic material handling devices. This intelligent module senses the worker's motions, while following the human motion exactly, it will amplify the human force for lifting objects without intermediary devices. This module preserves human hand-eye coordination while exerting high forces to maneuver heavy objects. If successful, it is expected that material handling devices equipped with the proposed module, when used by workers to maneuver loads, will greatly reduce the risk of injuries and the associated health care expenditures.