Geospecific Night Imagery for Real-time Training Simulators
Award last edited on: 7/7/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Kerry D Christopher

Company Information

Simwright Inc

2053 Fountain Professional Court Suite A
Navarre, FL 32566
   (850) 939-8707
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Santa Rosa

Phase I

Contract Number: N61339-07-C-0087
Start Date: 6/22/2007    Completed: 12/22/2007
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
To meet future JSF programmatic needs and to augment SOF mission planning and training capability, SimWright proposes eight trade studies and a risk mitigation program leading to a system design to generate geo-specific terrain databases. The eight trades studies are characterized as: - Night Imagery Sources Study - Street Light Feature Extraction Feasibility Study - Tower Feature Extraction Feasibility Study - Imagery Correlation Feasibility Study - Moving/Blinking/Occlusion Detection Feasibility Study - Shader Feasibility Study - DBGS Input Requirements Study - Day for Night Feasibility Study. Preliminary investigation suggests no known sources of night time geo-specific terrain data. Having no night time geo-specific data is an enormous risk to developing stereographic feature extraction algorithms for geo-specific night time terrain databases. SimWright will have approximately 1 square mile of night imagery of Destin FL., prior to Phase I award. Imagery correlation can begin right at the beginning of the program. SimWright’s CityClick framework is extensible for rapid prototyping of light feature extraction capability. We will investigate both manual and automatic feature extraction for major trade analyses, algorithmic verification, and software prototyping. DBGS formats, input and compatibility issues with IG pipelines will be investigated as part of overall risk reduction program.

Nighttime Geo-Specific Imagery Feature Extraction Shaders

Phase II

Contract Number: N61339-09-C-0019
Start Date: 2/11/2009    Completed: 2/10/2011
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
One of the main characteristics in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) is the dependence on nighttime covert missions. Special Forces combat training is predicated on training as you fight. A major addition to improving realism in mission rehearsal training would be geospecific nighttime scenes. In addition, with the multifunctional capabilities of JSF, geospecific nighttime imagery could be an excellent addition for their geospatial databases. Currently, terrain databases throughout the world are built using feature extraction algorithms geared specifically to analyze daytime satellite and stereographic imagery. The utility of night imagery enhances the ability to model light points and light pools in geospecific visual databases for mission planning and mission rehersal.

Geospecific, Geospecific, Geospatial, Orthomosaic, Night Imagery, Light Detection