Force Measurement and Analysis System
Award last edited on: 6/17/08

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Hans-Leo Teulings

Company Information

NeuroScript LLC

1225 East Broadway Road Suite 100
Tempe, AZ 85282
   (480) 350-9200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43NS039212-01
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Fast and accurate assessment of motor control has lacked methods to quickly assess force control in movement coordination patterns in everyday tasks. Recent advances in technology and motor research allow us to measure and analyze forces with great reliability. In this proposal we will build a prototype of a user-friendly force measurement and analysis system that provides a fast, objective and quantitative description of movement patterns associated with grip and load forces involved in prehension tasks. The proposed system will be based upon recent findings in motor control and signal processing. It will be one of the first systems providing a comprehensive assessment of the forces used to control and manipulate objects. No movement analysis system is known to allow evaluation of the control of forces produced during the manipulation of objects in everyday tasks. The potential market is large because neurological and psychological clinics, motor control research laboratories, government laboratories, educational testing services, rehabilitation centers, health insurance companies, and environmental testing laboratories are in need of such an assessment device. The novelty of our system is that it combines portability, flexibility, and accurate analysis methods based on recent findings in motor research. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: The proposed movement analysis system quantifies force control and regulation. The assessment of movement impairments can be made more objective by evaluating how a given individual controls and regulates force during prehension movements when grip and load forces form a stable coordination pattern. No similar movement analysis system is on the market. The potential market consists of neurological and psychological clinics, motor control research laboratories, educational testing services, rehabilitation centers, and health insurance companies.

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44NS039212-02A2
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2003)
Phase II Amount

During phase I we developed and tested a force measurement system that provides a fast, objective and quantitative description of the optimal pattern of grasping forces using in a bimanual manipulation task in humans. The system can quantitatively approximate the state of the motor system in terms of efficiency and precision, as force is the fundamental building block of movement. Our system is the first to simultaneously measure and provide a comprehensive assessment of grasping forces during bimanual object manipulation. The market for this system is growing as the quantification of movement is of interest to a wide range of professionals including bioengineers, biomechanists, clinicians, educators, ergonomists/human factor engineers, geriatricians, neuroscientists, psychologists, and rehabilitation specialists. The Phase II objectives are: 1. To expand the reliability, accuracy and generalizability of the system. 2. Continue to improve the hardware of the system. 3. Performing an extended analysis of the force and torque data produced by each limb and identifying how these variables may relate to other measures. 4. Create optional protocols to improve the flexibility of the system. 5. Streamline the user interface so it complies with recent PC interaction standards. 6. Imp5ove methods of visualizing the data. Our system combines portability, flexibility and innovative analyses to effectively assess the state of the motor system in bimanual force control. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: The assessment of movement impairments can be more objective through the evaluation of forces exerted by the hands during an object manipulation task that resembles daily activities. Quantifying force patterns between hands provides an opportunity to assess how individuals control and coordinate forces. No similar movement analysis system is available. The potential marker consists of neurological clinics, motor control research laboratories, health insurance companies, and human factors assessment centers.

Public Health Relevance:
This Public Health Relevance is not available.

Thesaurus Terms:
Biomechanics, Biomedical Equipment Development, Body Movement, Computer Program /Software, Computer System Design /Evaluation, Measurement, Neuromuscular Function Data Collection Methodology /Evaluation, Mechanical Pressure, Method Development Clinical Research, Human Subject