Infinia had operated foom the firm's founding in 1985 as an energy technology company developing Stirling generators and crycoolers. Management's claim was that their Stirling Solar products converted solar energy into electricity at a lower cost and at twice the efficiency of existing solar power generation products. In November 2013, Stirling-engine Developer Qnergy acquired the assets of US-based Infinia Corporation specializes in the design and manufacturing of free piston Stirling generators. Qnergy indicated plans to integrate the core technologies of both companies in order to commence mass production of Stirling engines for various applications. Established in 2009, Qnergy, an Israeli-based Stirling engine manufacturer and its U.S affiliate, is a subsidiary of Ricor Cryogenic and Vacuum Systems, is working in the field of miniature Stirling cryogenic Coolers. Infinia Corporation designs and manufacturers long-life, maintenance-free Stirling machines.