Emission tomography for non-intrusive three-dimensional measurements ofdensity, temperature, and chemical composition in rocket engine plumes
Award last edited on: 3/12/02

Sponsored Program
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Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Paul Bagley

Company Information

Northeast Photoscience Company

18 Flagg Road
Hollis, NH 03049
   (603) 465-3361
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 02
County: Hillsborough

Phase I

Contract Number: 97-1-08.05-2306 SSC
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposal presents an economical instrument for making global measurements of density, temperature, and constituent concentration of rocket engine plumes. This innovative technique is based on collecting emitted flame radiation from a large number of viewing angles; the irradiance depends on the integrated effects of gas and particulate temperature and species concentration along the optical path. Using a large number of intersecting optical paths allows the resulting set of radiative transfer equations to be inverted to obtain the spatial temperature profile of the flame or plume. This emission tomography approach is appealing because, unlike conventional transmission tomography, neither probe beams nor their associated optics are required. Therefore, only simple optical access to the combustion chamber is required to implement this technique. Emission tomography can be used with both stimulated and spontaneously emitted radiation, and spectroscopic methods may be used to isolate the concentration of one or more constituents. By using two emission lines of a known species, the temperature may be extracted by a simple two color technique. Prior simulations and experiments presented here illustrate that with simple optical geometry and a single camera, the reaction zone of a diffusion flame may be accurately identified; this illustration applies equally well to temperature measurement. Iterative algorithms are necessary to account for self-absorption and refraction effects. This technique may also be applied directly to other gas phase processes.

Phase II

Contract Number: 97-1-08.05-2306 SSC
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal presents an economical instrument for making global measurements of density, temperature, and constituent concentration of rocket engine plumes. This innovative technique is based on collecting emitted flame radiation from a large number of viewing angles; the irradiance depends on the integrated effects of gas and particulate temperature and species concentration along the optical path. Using a large number of intersecting optical paths allows the resulting set of radiative transfer equations to be inverted to obtain the spatial temperature profile of the flame or plume. This emission tomography approach is appealing because, unlike conventional transmission tomography, neither probe beams nor their associated optics are required. Therefore, only simple optical access to the combustion chamber is required to implement this technique. Emission tomography can be used with both stimulated and spontaneously emitted radiation, and spectroscopic methods may be used to isolate the concentration of one or more constituents. By using two emission lines of a known species, the temperature may be extracted by a simple two color technique. Prior simulations and experiments presented here illustrate that with simple optical geometry and a single camera, the reaction zone of a diffusion flame may be accurately identified; this illustration applies equally well to temperature measurement. Iterative algorithms are necessary to account for self-absorption and refraction effects. This technique may also be applied directly to other gas phase processes. Note: no official Abstract listing exists of selected NASA Phase II SBIR projects for this year. Hence, this abstract is modified by idi from relevant Phase I data. The specific Phase II work statement and objectives may differ