This project addresses the development of a Pulse Detonation Combustor (PDC) system for use in coal combustion-based power systems. By taking advantage of the higher, heat transfer rates of a detonative combustion process over the deflagrative combustion processes used in conventional direct-fire, pulverized-coal burners, cyclone furnaces, and pulse deflagration combustors, PDCs can reduce the overall costs of new coal-based power plants. In Phase I, a prototype design was developed that showed the potential to greatly reduce the size of the gas-side, heat transfer equipment of conventional, coal-fired plants. A preliminary cost analysis indicated the potential for reduced plant cost. Phase II will focus on proof-of-concept testing and a refinement of Phase Is design and cost analysis. Experimental activities include a detonability characterization of pulverized-coal detonation, as well as heat transfer measurements. Then, the conceptual design will be refined and a budgetary cost estimate will be prepared to indicate the economic feasibility of the technology.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The coal-based PDC should have several energy conversion applications, especially as a combustion method for boiler applications.