An x-ray imaging spectrometer is proposed. The innovation presented in this proposal allows us to produce large size single crystals bent in two orthogonal directions without excessive mechanical stress in the crystal. The x-ray imaging spectrometer, which can be constructed using these crystals will have approximately two orders of magnitude higher x-ray flux collection capability and compact size, as compared to conventional designs. Phase I effort will demonstrate image forming, spatial and spectral resolution, aberrations and their correction with analytical and numerical ray-tracing modeling, experimental demonstrations and testing. Special NASA space science areas which would directly benefit from such x-ray optics include hard x-ray imaging and spectroscopy of energetic phenomena occurring within space plasmas, high spectral resolution x-ray spectroscopy for selectively measure composition of extraterrestrial soils and atmospheres, and non-destructive evaluation of materials and structures.
Potential Commercial Applications:Potential scientific, medical and industrial applications include x-ray spectroscopy with conventional, laser plasma or synchrotron x-ray sources, high spatial and spectral resolution imaging, x-ray microscopy, thermal neutron spectroscopy. Simultaneous positional and spectral resolution would provide the basis for dual-energy digital subtraction x-ray angiography and mammography. Potential industrial applications include non-destructive evaluation of materials and structures, high resolution sub-surface imaging of semiconductor microelectronics components.