This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II Project proposes to develop an innovative solution to the the problem of chlorinated solvent contamination in variably saturated, low permeability soils. Prior Phase I work has demonstrated that: 1) chitin is an effective electron donor for stimulating biodegradation of chlorinated solvents, 2) that chitin enhances bioavailability of the solvents, 3) that chitin can be incorporated into a proprietary hydraulic fracturing process for low permeability soils, and 4) that thedelivery method for chitin is effective in the field on a small scale. The objectives of the Phase II Project are to evaluate biodegradation efficiency and longevity of chitin on a large scale. Current approaches for low permeability soils are very capital-intensive and are seldom totally effective. The proposed approach, in contrast, is low-cost and passive, and applicable "in situ". The method is particularly attractive since chitin is available in abundance as a byproduct from the shellfish industry. The commercial applications of this project are in the area of soil bioremediation.