The SCRAMSIM computer code will be able to perform analysis for engineering design, stemming from a low order Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) to high order (4th or higher) LES using accurate subgrid scale models (SGS). It will also solve thermal non-equilibrium mechanisms, conjugated heat transfer, general finite-rate chemistry using several databases for hydrocarbon/hydrogen-air mixtures, high temperatures, and multiphase effects
Benefit: Our business model is to provide software and support to our customers, and assit them in executing the software for whatever problem is of interest. We expect that the needs of the customer will evolve constantly as new models appear in the basic research literature, which will need to be incorporated into the code with our assistance.To realize this objective, with government provided guidance and suitable restrictions, Flow Modeling and Simulation will undertake a code distribution effort targeted at the engineering departments of leading U.S. universities, who will be provided with academic licenses. This mutually beneficial paradigm will help train students and help identify further code enhancement activities. It is expected that the code will be employed as a tool for use in the classroom for undergraduate and graduate design projects. Key personnel in the firm also maintain excellent technical and business contacts at Pratt & Whitney and General Electric Aircraft Engine components, and expect to market the code and provide consulting services to combustion design groups within those organizations for a variety of applications.
Keywords: Multi-Physics Fidelty, Multi-Dimensional Fidelity, Spatio-Temporal Discretization, Combustion And Two-Phase Flow,Turbulence Model And Les,Ease Of Use,High To Low -Order Simula