Company Profile

Repligen Corporation
Profile last edited on: 6/10/2024      CAGE: 1FHH9      UEI: H9J9D228RFQ9

Business Identifier: Consumable products for the manufacture of biological drugs
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

41 Seyon Street Building 1 Suite 100
Waltham, MA 02453
   (781) 250-0111
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Early involved in SBIR and remaining program active for some 15 years through several iterations of business focus, Repligen Corporation (NASDAQ:RGEN) is a bioprocessing company focused on the development, manufacture and commercialization of highly innovative products used to manufacture biologic drugs. Long since having outgrown SBIR eligibility, the firm's bioprocessing products are sold to major life sciences companies, biopharmaceutical development companies and contract manufacturing organizations worldwide. Repligen is the leading manufacturer of Protein A affinity ligands, a critical component of Protein A resins that are used to separate and purify monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics. In upstream processes, the firm's XCell™ ATF systems and growth factors are used to accelerate and increase productivity during the cell culture stage of biologic drug manufacturing. In downstream processes, Repligen developed and market an innovative line of OPUS® chromatography columns that is delivered pre-packed with customers’ choice of resin for their bench-scale through clinical production-scale purification needs. Having been in acqusiiton mode several times through the years - five previous transactions - with the acquisition of TangenX in 2016, the firm also now manufacture single-use Sius™ TFF cassettes and hardware, used in downstream protein concentration and filtration processes. Repligen’s corporate headquarters are in Waltham, MA (USA) with manufacturing facilities located in Waltham, MA, Shrewsbury, MA, Lund, Sweden and Weingarten, Germany.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Publicly Traded
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2002 1 NIH $100,000
Project Title: Improved Secretin Analogs for the Treatment of Autism
1999 2 NIH $834,833
Project Title: BFGF And VEGF Antagonists for Cancer Treatment
1999 1 NIH $99,660
Project Title: Heparanase Inhibitors For Use In Metastatic Diseases
1998 1 NSF $99,906
Project Title: Development of a Heparinoid Affinity Matrix by Combinatorial Chemistry
1996 1 NIH $96,529
Project Title: Development of Growth Factor Antagonists for Treating OC

Key People / Management

  Walter Herlihy -- President

  Tony Hunt -- President and CEO

  Richard Boismenu

  Shelly Cote Parra -- Director, Global Field Applications

  Thomas Daly

  Roberta Farrell

  Christine Gebski -- Senior Vice President, Filtration and Chromatography

  Paul J Higgins

  Chee K Lai

  Ariane E Marolewski

  Joseph Parillo

  Albert Profy

  James Rusche

  Daniel P Witt

  Jundong Zhang