As electronic devices continue to increase their functionality while continually decreasing their size, the need for smaller components becomes increasingly more important. Capacitors, often used for filtering and conditioning of electronic signals, are a critical aspect of many high performance electronic devices. In many applications, tantalum capacitors are the capacitor of choice for a variety of reasons. Since the mid 1990's the evolution of tantalum capacitor efficiency has grown slower due to problems associated with oxygen pickup during processing. The proposed research program addresses this problem by developing methods of producing and processing tantalum nanoparticles in such a way that they can be handled in air without oxidation. The result should be a material that can facilitate the further increase in tantalum capacitor efficiency thereby allowing the further miniaturization of tantalum capacitors. Phase I will focus on demonstrating the feasibility and the performance/processing benefits of this approach to producing tantalum nanoparticles for high capacitance applications. Due to the generic nature of the production and processing technologies, the program will enable production of a broad range of technologically important materials thereby enhancing the leadership role of the U.S. in advanced materials. Anticipated Benefits/Commercial Applications: This program will produce a new class of tantalum powder by coupling a unique synthesis process with a novel post-production processing scheme. A low-cost domestic source of high purity, low oxygen tantalum metal nanoparticles will facilitate the further miniaturization of electronic components and devices. Furthermore, the generic technology described herein enables production of a broad range of nanomaterials and opens up many markets in the automotive, biomedical, defense, electronics, and other industries. Both the U.S. military and commercial sector are demanding substantial advances in such technologies and the proposed materials offer a realistic scenario for achieving these goals.
Keywords: Sodium flame and encapsulation, SFE, tantalum, nanopowder, combustion synthesis, capacitor, non-oxide, dielectric