Research on the design and simulation of a virtual antenna for C, X, and Ku-bands is proposed. Such an antenna has extremely promising potential for applications as a satellite communications antenna. It allows for precise tracking of the satellite in all three frequency bands. The proposed design consists of dichroic elements placed in a proprietary frequency selective surface (FSS) configuration such that all three frequency bands may be accessed, with little interference, by each of the three feeds. The construction of such an antenna is robust and insensitive to high winds. The FSS approach also expects to be inexpensive to build and provide accurate tracking of the satellite transponder. The materials used for construction of a prototype (to be done in a Phase II contract) is proposed to be of composite construction which is strong and light-weight. This research draws on the extensive design, manufacturing and test experience in satellite composite antennas by the proposing company and the principal investigator of this proposal. Antenna design parameters as well as an outline of the mechanical design and materials to be used in a prototype of the virtual antenna will be delivered in a comprehensive report, detailing the analysis, simulations and all data, at the end of this Phase I research program. In addition to its value as the basis for the design of a robust multi-frequency antenna that is light-weight and resistant to high winds, the virtual antenna has applications as a multi-frequency satellite communications antenna for commercial use.
Keywords: satellite communications antenna multi-frequency virtual frequency-selective surface