The USAF ASC requires an integrated PC-based tool which will integrate cost and operational effectiveness analysis employing optimal technique algorithms to determine outcome and cost as the force mix is changed. In Phase I, the feasilibity of integrating cost analysis was demonstrated by developing engineering (linkage) relationships which linked existing cost models to several subsystems in the Brawler Air-to-Air engagement model used by ASC/XR, and by maximizing air-to-air engagement capability for a constant cost employing a stochastic simulation model, linkage relationships, cost models and mathematical programming. Four primary activiites will occur Phase II. Linkage models will be developed for Brawler and other engineering/engagement models in use by ASC/XR. Optimization algorithms will be integrated with Brawler, cost models and linkage models to allow new designs to be specified that will maximize performance for a given cost. Existing cost models will be augmented with an aircraft integration model and a modified O&S cost model. Software will be developed to interface a PC with the user for cost presentations and for optimization input/output.