In the manufacture of orefin intermediates, used in the production of polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride, the deposition of coke has es detrimental effect on processing economy. Presently, there are no on-line methods available to directly measure coke deposits in thermal cracking furnaces. This project will develop intelligent instrumentation for on-line measurement of coke deposits within furnace tubes which can be integrated with control and simulation software for optimizing thermal cracking processes. Laser ultrasonic technology will be adapted to measure coke thickness. Simulation models will be developed to provide more accurate predictions of reactor product yields, heat transfer rates, and optimum control of furnace variables. Phase I will test an intelligent laser ultrasonic instrument using coked tube samples to assess the accuracy and sensitivity of the measurement technique, and analytic and control software platforms will be evaluated to best utilize on-line coke data for improving overall plant profitability. Phase II work will focus on development of a laser ultrasonic coke detector and integrated software package suitable for field use.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:Intelligent sensing of coke deposits using laser ultrasonics can be coupled with advanced control software for optimizing the performance of thermal cracking furnaces. The technique will improve the operating economies for the production of orefin intermediates.