Presently, missile propulsion systems use a custom designed, application specific, control system to govern thrust variation. A custom designed and application specific missilized component is costly. Therefore, ECE proposes to apply a single, universal, low cost thrust controller design to many types of missile propulsion systems. This will be accomplished by developing a control system which is both hardware reconfigurable and software reprogrammable. The control system hardware will be modular in nature and can be customized by adding or removing function modules. In addition, the user will be able to create real-time executable control law software by using a graphical user interface. The results of the Phase II effort will be a fully functioning, modular, reprogrammable, flightweight propulsion system thrust controller. Such a system will be developed by personnel with experience in the successful development of propulsion system controllers for the aerospace industry, automotive industry, and the U.S. Government. A universal propulsion system controller would find commercial viability in missile systems, automotive engine and chassis control, and industrial real-time programmable control applications.