This project will develop a high power fault currentlimiter device based upon highly directional thick filmconductors. The feasibility of resistive fault current limitersbased on high temperature superconductors has been demonstrated.However, to extend this technology to the higher current levelsrequired by utility and industrial applications (600 to 3000 A),high current density conductors will be required. Higher currentdensities will, in turn, require that greater amounts of jouleheating be dissipated during a fault. This project will addressboth of these issues by fabricating a directionally solidifiedthick film conductor. The project will utilize unique controlledthermal gradient processing technology to produce highly orientedbismuth 16 strontium calcium copper oxide (Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox) oryttrium barium copper oxide (YBa2Cu307 x) thick films onsubstrates appropriate for the application, i.e., negligibleelectrical conductivity, high specific heat, and high thermalconductivity. During Phase I, sample conductors will be producedto demonstrate the feasibility of the directionallyrecrystallized thick film technique, while Phase II will focus onthe fabrication of a demonstration prototype utilizing theseconductors. Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: The feasibility of the textured thickfilm approach to fabricating a resistive fault current limiterwill be demonstrated and a proof-of-concept prototype device willbe subsequently fabricated. The successful demonstration of thisdevice will, in turn, lead to the manufacturing scale-up toproduce commercial devices for sale into the utility orindustrial power system marketplace.