We propose to develop a compelling and cost effective solution to the complex problem of airframe inspection and records keeping, using advanced technology from DoD and commercial sources. Our solution uses prototype semi-autonomous robotics and precision positioning systems developed by our industrial partners, state-of-the-art visible and IR imaging technologies from DoD-supported R&D programs, and eddy current sensor technologies developed at a National Laboratory. The proposed integrated system will automate mapping and inspection of aircraft exterior surfaces by our robot, AutoCrawler, which will traverse all surfaces of the subject wide-body or narrow-body aircraft under inspection. Our system will collect precision- located digitized images of the surface as a position referenced 2-D plane, analyze them and assist operators in identifying existing or developing defects, and relocate each reported item upon recall from an eternal archive stored on optical disk. The archive is indexed by tail number, date and 2-D coordinate on the aircraft. This technology will enable development of an integrated information management system for aircraft that will collect and maintain surface condition and aging histories of unprecedented detail, resulting in significant cost reductions for commercial and military aircraft maintainers, and in greatly increased aircraft safety. The same technology will be adapted to other end applications, e.g., detailed inspection of tankage; paint stripping and painting of aircraft and tankage.
Keywords: Phase_I, NASA, Abstract, FY94