The objective of this Phase II program is to create a working prototype of a knowledge based design and specification software tool for the specification, design, optimization and evaluation of optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDH) communication systems. The tool will use modern object-oriented software technology to model optical hardware in an efficient manner, and to integrate the system components into a complete system for rapid prototyping, saving the need for experimentation with expensive hardware components. The tool will allow the designer to access a library of optical devices, detailed analysis of optical transmission characteristics, specify complete communications systems, and provide optimization using mathematical, intelligent search, AI methods and simulation. The interaction with the user will be supported by a graphical user interface, GUI. By providing a common and up-to-date platform for optical systems designers, this package will speed up the penetration of the continuously evolving standardization process among practitioners and educational institutions. In this way it will also complement and strengthen BMDO's efforts in optical systems design and device development, and furthermore aid the Center for Optoelectronic Devices, Interconnects, and Packaging (COEDIP) efforts through a planned BCN's participation in and cooperation with the consortium members.
Keywords: Computer Aided System Design Optical Interconnects Object Oriented Modeling Fuzzy Protocol Design