Company Profile

Solexa (AKA: Lynx Therapeutics Inc)
Profile last edited on: 1/29/19      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

25861 Industrial Boulevard
Hayward, CA 94545
   (510) 670-9300
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 15
County: Alameda

Public Profile

In March 2005, Lynx Therapeutics merged with UK firm Solexa. The firm will now do business under the new name. In November of 2006 Solexa was subsiquintly acquired by SBIR firm Illumina, Inc of California, Lynx Therapeutics (Nasdaq:LYNXD) is a developer of application of novel genomics analysis solutions for the discovery of gene sequence and expression information important to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and agricultural industries. These solutions are based on Megaclone™ and MPSS™, the company's proprietary cloning and sequencing technologies. Lynx is developing DNA cloning and analysis technologies designed to enhance gene discovery, gene expression, genome mapping, characterization of gene functions, and the study of plant and animal genes. Possible applications include identifying the cause of diseases through genetic variations; studying and manipulating important crops such as wheat, corn, and rice; and targeting drug therapies. Its proprietary technologies for rapidly identifying massive numbers of genes and mapping DNA sequences are untested in the marketpla

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Publicly Traded
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
1996 1 NIH $99,195
Project Title: Phosphoramidate Based Antisense Inhibitors NF-KB
1996 2 NIH $758,105
Project Title: Stereopure Antisense Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides
1994 1 NIH $76,748
Project Title: Intercalative antigene oligo analogs as new drugs

Key People / Management

  Kevin Corcoran -- President

  Michael I Nerenberg

Company News

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