This proposal presents a research plan for the measurement of surface figure of x-ray optical components on an in-process basis. This measurement is useful during the fabrication of x-ray optical components, especially since the proposed measurement is non-contacting and can measure alow reflectance, or uncoated surface. The lack of precise surface figure can effect the performance of x-ray optical components. Also the time in removing the optic and then performing the test can add substantially to the fabrication effort. The proposed research program in Phase I is to develop a technique for the measurement of surface figure onx-ray optical components using non-contact optical scanning interferometry in the polishing cycle. The effects of the signal to noise ratio, focusing errors and fibration effectswill be studied for a stationary optic located on a polishing machine. The anticipated result of the phase i research will be the characterization of an optical component under conditions similar to the optical shop. The implication of this research is the potential for a rapid non-contacting measurement technique of surface figure of a finished x-ray mirror or uncoated x-ray mirror substrate. The potential application of this research is the development of new measurement techniques and test equipment for the x-ray optical fabricotion industry. These new measurement techniques and test equipment will have the potential to improve the quality of x-ray optical components.