An inexpensive laptop or micro-computer based Navy health care provider intelligent portable (PIP) workstation will optimize delivery of health care by allowing direct communication among physicians, other health care professionals, clinics, hospitals, and shipboard health care facilities. Current technologies permit the development of a pip workstation which can be carried to the patient's bedside and used as an independent computer aid or which can be connected directly to a computer at a large medical facility, utilizing the more extensive patient medical information available to computer networks. The Phase I objective of this program is to research and document the specific requirements of Navy health care providers, to investigate and evaluate current and planned biomedical information systems and information technology, and to design a cost effective PIP workstation used to (a) display health related information and schedules, (b) record patient histories, examinations, diagnoses, and treatment protocols, (c) report treatment compliance, procedures, progress, results, and observations, and (d) communicate with other health care providers and/or facilities in order to direct patient health care. Phase I efforts will generate a program plan for Phase II PIP implementation and alpha testing at a selected Navy medical facility and Phase II beta testing with participating Navy physicians and health care professionals.