Phase I proved the proposed membrane system to concentrate three pesticides (2,4-D, Endrin, and Chlorpyrifos) and to detect and measure them using Raman spectroscopy. The Phase II will build on these results and develop a prototype system which integrates membrane concentrator and Raman spectroscope into field-deployable equipment for monitoring many contaminants in groundwater. Specific objectives: (1) Prepare hollow fiber membranes by surface modification. (2) Assemble membrane modules and characterize surface chemistry. (3) Test modules for concentration of additional pesticides (including DDT Isomers, Diazinon, Paraquat, PCB's and DBCP). (4) Perfect the Raman spectroscope and solvent flow cell for the detection of a wide range of pesticides. (5) Verify results by gas chromatography (GC) detection of pesticides by EPA methods. (6) Assemble a composite system and confirm its performance with field tests to detect typical contaminants. (7) Demonstrate batch sampling for GC analysis by selection and test of suitable solvents. (8) Prepare recommendations to appropriate federal agencies to approve the methodology and equipment developed in this research.