Reliable microwave laser diode
Award last edited on: 9/11/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
R J Pllastow

Company Information

Lasertron Inc

37 North Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803
   (617) 272-6462
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: 19628-87-C-0154
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective of the program is to combine the high reliability, stable, laser and packaging technology developed for telecommunications applications with the high frequency (20 ghz) wafer chip design and packaging required for analog microwave frequency applications. We will I) design and have made masks for production of short cavity restricted area contact laser. Ii) grow, process mount and bond de vices from two wafers using the above masks. Iii) measure the capacitance and swept frequency response of these devices. Iv) analyze previous lifetest data to determine effect of high power operation on reliability. Mount, bond, burn in, and evaluate 1000 hour, 80 deg C operation of short cavity restricted area lasers de scribed above. V) construct a prototype breadboard module incorporating microwave stripline and laser welding of the fiber, and characterize the swept frequency performance of this module. Vi) incorporate 35um detector in the lasertron UHS (ultra-high-speed) detector module. The overall result of this phase I effort will be confirmation that the present commercial ... Laser manufactured by lasertron in volumes exceeding 1000/week to stringent reliability requirements can be adapted for use at 20 ghz, and that the high stability laser welded packaging developed for telecommunication applications can be modified to accept microwave stripline components.

Phase II

Contract Number: 20483
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The objective of this program is to develop a reliable and manufacturable design of a microwave modulated 20 GHz fiber optic diode laser source. The opportunity for rapidly and cost effectively achieving this objective arises from prior development by lasertron of fiber optic diode laser sources for telecommunications. These telecommunications devices include three key technologies required by the 20 GHz fiber optic source, namely, a laser chip capable of 20 GHz operation, a laser chip designed to provide high reliability at high current, and a laser welded fiber-optic packaging technology which is stable over temperatures to 100 C. Phase I results confirm the suitability of the approach and the applicability of the available technologies for producing the desired 20 GHz laser. In Phase II lasertron proposes to undertake the following tasks: 1) design and construct a 20 GHz fiber optic laser package capable of manufacture in volumes with high yield. 2) develop a new laser mounting method which is stable under the high current levels typical of operation with bandwidths of 20 GHz. 3) investigate the use of detuned DFB lasers to obtain >20 GHz operation. 4) deliver five 20 GHz laser modules having high reliability.