Replacing pulpwood and solid wood residues with waste paper for veneer and fiberboard panels
Award last edited on: 8/13/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Ben S Bryant

Company Information

GridCore Systems International Inc (AKA: Nobel Franklin Corporation)

5963 La Place Court Suite 207
Carlsbad, CA 92008
   (619) 431-8494
Location: Single
Congr. District: 49
County: San Diego

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective is to increase the utilization of forest resources by increasing the number of product cycles in which wood fiber can be used. Phase i will determine the technical feasibility of making three-dimensional panels and veneer substitutes, using the lowest grades of waste paper as a substitute for wood and its residues. Phase ii will utilize the data base to determine the feasibility of manufacturing the new fiberboard in larger sizes. Environmental concerns related to the harvesting of federally-administered forest lands have resulted in a shortage of affordable logs. Sawmills, plywood and veneer plants have closed creating a shortage of affordable residues. Consequently, board plants, dependent on less expensive planer shavings, sawdust and plywood trim, have to use more expensive pulp chips. A series of experiments will be conducted to determine optimum levels of waste paper grades, board density, resin, wax, and the percentage of other fiber additives necessary to make new types of fiberboard utilizing the forest products laboratory's spaceboard technology and the p.i.'s new fiber overlay technology.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Shortages of logs from Federal forests have adverselyimpacted the forest products industries. Lumber, plywood andveneer mills have shut down. Consequently the prices of solidwood residues and pulpwood have increased for composition boardand pulp industries. Pulpmills are using increasing amounts ofwaste papers of the higher grades, but residential mixed waste(RMW) is still landfilled in most places. Phase I researchclearly demonstrated the technical feasibility of using RMW for3-dimensional fiberboard [GRIDCORE (TM), a version of the ForestProducts Laboratory's "Spaceboard" technology], and thinhardboard (1/16-inch) suitable for veneer substitutes andsurfaces of laminates. A production facility for making 4 x 10-ft. GRIDCORE and thin hardboard is completed in Long Beach, CA. Apilot plant for making 2 x 4-ft. fiber mats for thin hardboardand panel overlays is being completed in Seattle. Both were builtto use high-quality waste paper and/or commercial pulp andhardboard fiber. Phase I research on RMW will be expanded usingboth facilities to make prototypes for evaluation. These panelswill be compared with panels made from more expensive pulps. End-use evaluations and economic and marketing studies will be madeon both products in the targeted market areas.

Anticipated Results:
A new industry is anticipated that would usePhase I technology. The market potential could justify futuremanufacturing expansion to make GRIDCORE and thin hardboard inthe same or separate plants. GRIDCORE markets include: tradeshows and displays, stage sets, furniture, and buildingcomponents. Thin hardboard markets include use as veneersubstitutes for overlaying low grades of softwood plywood andcomposition boards to attain surface properties comparable tomedium density fiberboard (MDF), face veneer substitutes forexterior plywood, and face material for GRIDCORE.