EnTechnology has successfully completed Phase I of its development of a PIPE Detector Network for ventilation effectiveness measurement. The prototype detector has four 12-bit data measurement capabilities. It is designed to be part of a two-way RF (radio frequency) linked environmental instrumentation monitoring network. However, it can be a stand-alone instrument (with the addition of a display or meter), a personal dosimeter, or part of an building energy management system. Three of the four channels are designated for specific measurements (i.e., temperature, relative humidity, and air movement). the fourth is unspecified and can be used for other physical (e.g., differential pressure) or chemical (e.g., tracer gas) measurements. Phase I consisted of two parts: the initial six months research and development effort that demonstrated the technical feasibility of the concept and a extension of the research involving the development and alpha-testing of a 5-unit PIPE detector network. The proposed Phase II effort centers ont he development of a 10-unit PIPE detector network for beta-testing by independent researchers, and the development of a manufacturing prototype PIPE detector for submission to the FCC for certification. Specific Phase II objectives are the completion of the development and testing of both serial and PC-bus versions of a new modular transceiver for the RF base station and development of application-specific sensor options for HVAC operation, building air flow, radiation, indoor air quality, and ergonomic evaluations. However, the major objective is the development of an FCC certified PIPE detector network. A complete engineering and FCC certification report, software and instrumentation manuals, and a 10-unit PIPE detector network are the deliverables for the PIPE 11 development program.