Eastport International, Inc. (Eastport) and WasteMinimization and Containment Services, Inc. (WMC) propose ademonstration of a remotely operated paint removal system. Ourpaint removal system, Cryogenesis (trademark), is based on carbondioxide (dry ice) pellets propelled by nitrogen. The advantageof this technology is the elimination of additional wastegenerated during paint removal. This results in less than 0.2% ofwaste generated by sandblasting techniques. Consequently, thesavings over the 1.04 billion square feet of U.S. Army buildingsis $2.6 billion. Additionally, our team is using an of-the-shelfremotely operated vehicle, Eagle, to minimize worker exposureduring paint removal. Demolition of antiquated U.S. Armystructures littered with lead paint has two fundamental problems:Minimizing hazardous waste generated; and Minimizing workerexposure during demolition. Out Eagle/Cryogenesis (trade mark)system solves these problems with existing off-the-shelf systemscapitalizing on new technology and traditional strengths ofEastport and WMC.