Founded by MIT scientists, QMedic (aka Every Fit, Inc.) QMedic is a proactive medical alert and smart home platform that 24/7 intelligently routes and escalates alerts to optimize care services for high-risk members living at home. The system continuously samples behavioral data to include physical activity, sleep, balance and falls. Caregivers can receive real-time alerts via smartphone, tablet, email, or text message. Clients include Fortune 500 Health Plans and families helping at-risk aging, blind and disabled consumers live independently. QMedic provides 24-hour access to emergency call center services. Context: a high percentage of emergency room visits are unnecessary and avoidable, and yet traditional medical alert services typically route high-risk members from the home directly to the ER. QMedic solves this problem by intelligently routing distress calls and proactive behavioral alerts to help care managers target the right services to the right members at the right time. This timely routing of alerts can generate greater than double the typical target ROI for the care network, while optimizing care for the member. The service is simple for members to setup and use and requires zero maintenance by the care network or member.