Developing terahertz technology for magnetic resonance, Bridge 12 Technologies makes DNP-NMR, as well as active and passive THz components and sources that are used in science, medicine, security, and in defense. Electromagnetic waves at THz frequencies are in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 0.3 and 3 THz. Due to their being non-ionizing, THz waves are safe to use and can pass through clothing, skin, paper, cardboard and plastic, wood, plastic and ceramics. They can also penetrate fog and clouds, but cannot penetrate metal, concrete or water. In spite of there being many valuable useful applications, the adoption of THz waves has been slow due to the limited output power of currently available sources. Solid-state THz sources can only generate a few milliwatts of average power and THz applications require expensive and complicated detection schemes and the lack of commercially available sources and detector for this frequency region lead to the term Terahertz Gap. Bridge12 closes the Terahertz gap. The Bridge12 Technologies committment is to closing this gap by providing compact, high-power, high-frequency THz instrumentation for applications in science, medicine, defense and security. Overcoming current technology barriers, the Terahertz Gap is closed with compact sources that are cost-effective, powerful, efficient and rapidly deployable - also the source of the firm's name: bridging the terahertz gap tera =10 to the power of 12.